Trying to save the Earth a little bit… goes a long way!

earth photo

Looking back the gender-environmental issue that is most important to me was ecofeminism and nature. My idea is to use as many reusable products as humanly possible, and if it is not reusable to recycle them. I believe many companies are trying their very best to eliminate waste, and honestly I think it’s the “cool/on trend” thing to do for those who aren’t really invested. However, this is something that I have slowly been transferring my way of living to and trying to be a “lead by example” type of person rather than telling others to do so. I feel most people are more likely to invest or do something when they see someone they know do it.


So, my plan is going to be to make a list of things that I currently use that are NOT reusable and find an alternative that is reusable or at least recyclable to reduce waste. Once I make these switches I will then make note of what I used before (how many, how often, and how much waste it was creating) and then I will make note of the alternative in comparison. In the end I will total all of my waste and cost from my old products to the new ones to see the difference I have made! I believe that recyclable, especially reusable products are a great way to lighten your environmental footprint and save money! Sometimes, reusable products cost a little more than the one time purchase in that moment, but majority of the time you end up spending the same amount if not more when buying single use products!



Here is a list of things that I switched over from one time disposable to reusable!

 FIrst on my list, was kind of interesting, I have this bad habit of cleaning my ears numerous times a day .. I say bad habit because according to my ENT you shouldn’t even be using q tips.


I purchased what is called “the last swap” . It retails for USD $12.00 before tax + shipping. I probably go through about a box of qtips maybe every month and a half, two at most. A 500 count box of q tips ranges from USD $3.00-$5.00. So within about 3 months, I would have already spent that $12.00 anyway and you know, harming the Earth in the meantime while doing it.


I also invested in reusable cotton rounds, I love me some cotton rounds. I use them for many things, but mostly one on my face every day for my skin care. The reusable cotton rounds retailed for USD $14.00, the one time use cotton rounds that I normally buy from target retail for about USD $2.69 for a 100 count. Although it may take me longer to even out the spending of this one, over time it’s a one time purchase that essentially can last me forever if I take very good care of it.


Another thing I decided to give a gander was a menstrual cup I had purchased one months ago but they take getting used to. Of course, what a “better” time to try it than pretty much being stuck in the house! When I initially bought the cup I wanted to save money, it’s beneficial for myself and it will save me in the long run. I was purchasing organic cotton BPA free (& all that good stuff) which range anywhere from $5.99-$7.XX and change before tax, so buying two boxes every month ranges anywhere from $12.00-$15.00 roughly. The menstrual cup I purchased a few months back was the intimina lilly cup compact retailing for $29.95, which means I would even out the cost of it within 2 months!


I also have been using metal straws, if you’re a big straw user I highly recommend purchasing reusable straws, or even cups! They’re sold everywhere and I love using them, I do not remember the cost or where I bought them from (I think it was amazon), but I felt like I should add that in here!


I feel as though me explaining the ONE time cost of something (that may be a little pricey at the time), but will save you hundreds in the long run is a no brainer! It doesn’t have to be done all at once, you can slowly switch your life around to reusable items! Maybe purchasing once a month would help soften the spending, in the long run you’ll get your money’s worth and end up saving and not spend your hard earned cash on something you will throw in the TRASH!


garbage photoWhile reading about “The Chipko movement” I did see a connection between the oppression of women and the oppression of nature. The point that made me realize the connection between the oppression of women and nature was when the activist leader, a woman by the name of Chandi Prasad Bhatt gathered a bunch of other women to surround the trees so they would not be cut down. To me it seems as though women and nature will forever have a connection, we as humans, as women particularly know what it is like to not be concerned about or deemed to be unimportant or nonessential to others unless in of course if it is pertaining to money or capitalizing. Although nature as we know, does not have feelings or a voice, what we do have are people (women) who will be the voice for others or nature, because we would like to be heard. Although I do not believe a group of men would gather to protect trees from getting cut down, regardless of who would have been standing there, men or women it is for a good cause.


I do agree that behind the material deprivations and cultural losses of the marginalized and the poor lie deeper than disempowerment, however I also agree that disempowerment is the issue in the majority of these cases. When cultures and demographics experience disempowerment nine times out of ten it is because that is their way of life, and have been throughout the years and what their family has experienced for generations and generations. I also believe that the deeper issue is being able to be heard, along with disempowerment you can speak, but it’s about being able to be heard and having your concerns considered by those who are deemed to be “powerful” or important. 


I do believe another issue is resources, and not just in relation to environmental degradation. Many other countries live in the way that those do as seen in the “The brazillian slum children who are literally swimming in garbage” article, due to lack of funding and resources. I go on to say Rome wasn’t built in a day, the countries that are currently efficient entirely like America for example have made their way here. However, I do believe in finding a way to find support from other surrounding countries in order to get theirs on an uprise. Many countries still are third world, and do not have the market, clothing factories, garbage disposal that comes around weekly etc. I believe this is a major part of the issue, but in order for something to be done about anything there needs to be enough people that care enough to make it happen. As many of the feminist riots and African American marches etc, you have to be willing to take a risk and stand up for what you believe you deserve. I understand, this may not come easy and other countries have very strict laws when it comes to disobedience. Unfortunately, the world and other countries will remain in competition and sadly at times they do not care who is left behind sinking while they swim away. So to end this, I would go on to say the issue of oppression if the lack of selflessness in others who are able to help, the abundance of fear, lack of resources and the comfortability in a lifestyle you have only ever known.

unity photo



The brazilian slum children who are literally swimming in garbage

The chipko movement



connected photo

Intersectionality broken down is basically that we do not belong to simply just one social identity, we belong to multiple social identities therefore the term intersectionality. While going over the readings explaining intersectionality I instantly was brought back to the readings about women and nature. While learning about women and nature I was surprised to know how there is a large amount of relations and reference between women and nature. How food is sexualized as a woman’s body or how the Earth is fertile and that there is such a thing as “mother” nature. However, like intersectionality not all women agree or associate themselves with these particular terms or social relations between women and nature. However, I do believe that like women and nature and intersectionality there is a connect and disconnect with both of those. 


Even if we choose to not identify ourselves or associate ourselves with anything, or any social identity you still somehow end up in a group that “does not identify”. My point here is, you’re always pushed into one section or another. Although you might not be related to the identity or section that is associated with the one you are “in” you end up being related to it just by being there. I do believe this happens due to social stigmas and the small and tight “mold” generations way before us have created and passed down to some who still believe in them today. 


Going into ecology there are so many ways to be considered something, but not exactly belong, which can happen with anything in this world, there really isn’t just something as you are or you aren’t. For example cats, a tiger, jaguar, lion are all considered to be a part of the cat family. However, they are not addressed as cats, they are addressed for what they are specifically. Even domesticated (house pets/cats) are all classified as cats, but they are all different and somehow related, intersectionality.


More people should be aware of intersectionality, I believe it is important to know that just because we belong to a mix of social identities does not mean we are more one or the other. Personally, being a multiracial person for many years and even still today depending on who I am speaking to I am either too “white” to be considered “black” or too “black” to be considered “white”. Of course my nationality is much more specific than just black and white, but for some reason people find it difficult allowing someone who is to be a part of both sides, just based off of their own social stigmas and molds. I do believe that intersectionality results in the “whole” of something or someone, even if they have the slightest bit or a relation to that social identity, you still have rights to be a part of all that makes you, you.

groups photo


Intersectionality inroduction

Intersectionality readings 1&2

Ecofeminist principles


politics women photoReading the Gender Equality and state environmentalism article, the discussion of women being more willing and likely to express their support for environmental concerns really perked up my ear. Overall women tend to be more open to discussion about things that matter to them than men are, especially when emotional expression is involved. However, this would make sense as to why most men I have encountered don’t really portray a care or concern for the environment and have a tendency to look down on those who do. “This second category of explanation ties both gender discrimination and environmental degradation to a common hierarchical social structure that simultaneously devalues both women and nature.” The more that I learn, the more I realize how closely women and nature are intertwined into something that seems to be as one. Just like coming across a man who values and cares for the environment, and who is vocal about it. It is just as rare to find a man who values and cares for a woman and/or women and is vocal about it. Society has a tendency to hold men very accountable for their emotions and words rather than their actions. I believe this mold to fit that society has plays a large role in the reason men have been taught or have observed to behave in this manner, the idea that they would not be accepted other wise.


Where I am from, Fall River, Massachusetts I don’t ever really hear anyone (mostly if not all) males held in a political position bring up the concern for environmental wellness. It mostly is all about capitalization, and the overall value (financial wise) of the city. Although I do not keep up with politics much, I do notice the standpoint of my environment around me and the mass amounts of liter and garbage spread throughout the streets and greenery of the city. Because of the status and cleanliness of the city I know that there is not a person nor man in a political position that is concerned about the environment. We do not have street cleaners or anyone who is responsible for cleaning up the streets. However, I do believe that their would be a higher chance of having clean, liter/garbage free streets if a woman were in a political position.

plastic waste photoI came across and article of a female lawyer in Indonesia proposing abolition of single use plastics, something that is easy to come by various times a day almost anywhere. This is something that would have a huge impact in any region that would consider this change, but these changes take time and a lot of effort. Unlike the quick and easy, lets throw up a building and profit off of it in a months time. I believe that there needs to be patience in politics and a greater focus on what is going to last a lifetime, not something that will make a difference for the time being or while that person is in office.

gardens photoI discovered another article on Women Deliver on the participation of women in politics and the percentages of how many there are currently and also the benefits of having women in politics. One of the benefits are “more attention to social issues” I do feel like the well being of the environment is a social issue! I am sure we all would enjoy and benefit from having someone in a political position to be able to listen to and create a solution for issues that affect the community and everyone in it! I do wish, for lack of a better word that women were more trusted in political positions and given the chance to see the difference that would make. I am not saying that all men in politics are non-environmentalists, perhaps they are, it just isn’t priority.

I believe these websites and articles that I have chose link to the gender equality and environmentalism reading, because in a short and easy way to understand the impact of women in politics and the broad range of possibilities can easily be considered.

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An example of how women in power can make a small change, that will last a lifetime.

Strengthen Women’s Political Participation and Decision-Making Power

The benefits and concerns likely to be addressed by women in  a political position.



population photoIn Hawkings reading on reproductive choice “The Ecological Dimension” Ronnie Zoe Hwkins she discusses the matter of population and its affects on the environment and the concumption of nature due to over population and how abortion is an aspect of that in some places around the globe. I do believe that we eventually will be overpopulated if we aren’t already, I have heard of instances in some countries where they limit the amount of children to be born per family/household, and if you have twins to make you exceed that amount then you must give one of them up for adoption.


As far as population and nature consumptions is concerned Hawkins mentioned the reduction of nature consumption by decreasing the number of us that consume. I support that statement, but not under the circumstances of abortion. I do believe as humans many of us have a tendency to overuse and waste just about anything. In terms of being mindful of the overuse and over consumption of nature people need to care before they are taught how to reduce their waste and consumption. Otherwise, we would be teaching and giving information to those who do not have the urge to make that difference so all of us can have the free will and freedom to birth as many children as we please. I do not believe in abortion as a way to control population or to regulate population. 


pregnancy photoI support Hawkin’s “idea” of reducing nature consumption, but not in that manner. As far as the pro-life act is concerned we as women have always been told what to do with our bodies for what seems like forever, to take into consideration “on set movement, conciousness, ability to feel pain, and viability (Internet Encyclopedia of philosphy)” is something I agree with. Abortion is a very touchy subject, I do believe a woman should be able to do as she pleases with their body, but I also strongly believe that as women and adults we should hold the responsibility to use contracetption and be mindful of decisions when putting ourselevs in situations susceptible to pregnancy. However, I do believe that there should be a limit on the number of abortions a woman can have under certain circumstances, many woman abuse this option and have unprotected intercourse with numerous men and get pregnant time and time again and constantly get into the office for an abortion. It is difficult to decide or agree upon one way or another, there are so many ifs involved, what is ethical and what is not. In turn, I support Hawkin’s idea to manage over consumption of nature, but I do not support abortion as an option in order to improve the consumption circumstances or overpopulaion.



Reproductive choices: The ecological dimension Ronnie Zoe Hawkins, the idea of over population having an effect on nature consumption and the fear of nature not being able to compensate for the over production of lives, possibly using abortion to gain control

Internet Encyclopedia of philosophy:Abortion, definition and circumstances of abortion.

Objectification- women & animals

We learn that the objectification of women and animals is marketed largely in a way that is appealing to anyone who finds women or animals/food in relation to women entertaining. After the past few readings in this course and learning how much america, media, food and pretty much anything can be related or symbolize as a woman and vise versa, the more i start to notice it. The sexualization of women and animals is just a bit weird to me, we all have heard the phrase “I’m not a piece of meat” but I have seen many advertisements that had sexual suggestives, but for some reason I never really connected the two unless it was very obvious, I am more aware now.


In the bundle of photos I chose to analyze the following three, a picture of a pig wearing leg stockings with its rear exposed standing upright, wearing makeup, a skirt, heels, and holding a glass of wine… clearly resembling a woman. In this photo the pig is feminized, but I don’t know exactly what the ad is for, all I know is it may intrigue men more than women, I know that I for one do not want to be referred to or related to a pig.


The second photo was a baked chicken, with bikini tan lines.. Men usually don’t wear bikinis so again in reference to a woman. Chicken is interesting if you think about the parts being labeled “breast, thighs, legs” MOST other meats aren’t labeled this way. Why is it chicken breast, and not chest? Why do they have thighs, why can’t it just be legs? The more I read into things that we have come so accustomed to the more my brow is raised? How did this all start?


The third photo was a pork rib advertisement, with a man in the middle with a rack of ribs on the table in front of him and two large breasted women on each side of him, with the title “we’ve got the best racks”. An obvious play on words, but the simple image of a man with a rack of ribs in front of him wouldn’t have been enough. How easily to intrigue a man than a nice rack of ribs and two women with a “nice rack” I’ve always wondered why people refer to women’s breasts as “racks” and how it all began.


In the Antennae reading it wrote “Colonizers evaluated other humans according to their relationship with the other animals. Europeans assumed that those who controlled animals were more advanced than those who tilled the field” which I believe was a view transferred onto woman and their relationship with men. Men were and are still likely to be viewed as the one who is in control, the one who knows more (controlled animals) who also in most places control their wives. Women are likely to be viewed as those who tilled the field. They take care of the foundation in order for the man to do as they please with whatever is taken care of for them. How is it that men got to remain as humans and women fell with the animals? My best guess would be that when men were providing food and doing dangerous things they were sought out to be the caretakers, but they cannot survive without the food they bring home or their women who ensure the food is there to keep them alive. I believe this all boils down to sustainability, who and what are you sustained by.


Antennae 2010

Understanding Place

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I didn’t really grow up around true nature. I say true nature because although I would always play outside as a child I did grow up in the city. The nature I was exposed to were my grandfathers flowers and grape vines in the backyard (which was cement), any grass on the park or the small sections on the sidewalk. I wasn’t able to have a “real” backyard up until i was about eight or nine, real meaning I actually had some grass. I will say that although I didn’t have to what seems to be a luxury of having a green backyard I was exposed to potting and planting with the pots and strip of dirt on the perimeter we had around the grapevine. As a child I could not stand outdoors in the summer because I was petrified of bees. No, I had never been stung by one either, just very afraid of bees and most bugs in general besides butterflies. My parents told me one summer I refused to go outside most days, just because I was afraid of bugs/bees. However in second grade the knowledge being taught of the flowers feeding the bees and they made honey out of it was super cool to me. This may all sound like senseless information, but I’m telling you this so you can get a background of how nature has impacted me over time… which I will bring up throughout the rest of home photo


When I first saw the Kingslover I had an interesting feeling in my chest, the photo honestly felt breathtaking. It was so beautiful, bright and just so pure. Growing up and living in the city all of my life I’ve never experienced wild nature, like that, “in the middle of nowhere” nature. It is so fascinating and beautiful what is out there to be admired. Kingsolver really makes it known that a place, is the wild, that we need to wild… even if we’re there alone. He mentioned not speaking for periods of time and just being in the presence of himself and the nature surrounding him. Then, it dawned on me. We live in an era where social media is a way of basically knowing everyone’s business if they post enough about it, and that you “need” to be social, or else you’re considered antisocial or a homebody. I personally enjoy my own company maybe a little too much, so I thought and then I read that. It made me feel as though there isn’t anything wrong with being alone and not wanting to speak sometimes. I feel like we as a generation are so caught up in having easy access to communicate with someone at any given moment. Technology, marketing and over population has really gotten in the way which leads me to discuss Williams piece.


“Place + people = politics” and just like that it made sense. If you go into the middle of the woods or wherever you may choose where there is not any pavement or a chained business politics only have something to do with it if they can place a building on top of it and if there’s enough people willing to spend their money on it. These days there are more people pitching the next business demolition rather than thinking of other ways to preserve land. Everyone wants their own piece of land, no one is willing to share. I would much rather see highrises and skyscrapers than a bunch of single level buildings taking up space. Williams makes it known that everyone is fighting for a piece or a right to own land or water so they can do as they please with it, not so they can help it prosper. Which leads me back to my last thought, although America is a pretty modernized country there are some areas that aren’t city like, however some Americans couldn’t care less about the amount of land or trees being taken if their favorite restaurant or place to shop or hangout is going to be built there. Unfortunately all multi billion dollar companies have almost all of the power and the money to tear down and build up wherever they may please, because unfortunately the state and city want a way to create more money and foot traffic. As I have gotten older I have become more aware of my surroundings and how sad and blah they may be, because the green is so minimal, and I just live in it. shopping malls photo


Bell Hooks piece, Touching the Earth, the title instantly made me think of a method called grounding. If you do not know what grounding is, you pretty much expose your bareskin/ bare feet to nature outside (grass/dirt) in order to feel more rooted. While reading all of these pieces I’ve made the connection and the realization that nature is indeed apart of us, even if we don’t realize it which is what Hooks’ reading had transpired to me. Reading all of these pieces really got my mind going, and then I thought we really do need nature. Even if we’ve moved far away from it or don’t have that much surrounding us. Why is it that when we aren’t feeling well we instantly feel better, even if it’s just a little as soon as we step outside and get a breath of fresh air? All of the writers define place in connection to the need and rooting of nature within us. I appreciated reading all of these articles and they have opened my mind up to the bigger picture.




Excerpt from Barabar Kingolver’s SMALL WONDER. Kingolver really set the scene with her words and with my imagination it felt like I had watched a small clip after. Her writing assisted me in writing this peace because of all of the realizations that had come about just from being in the presence of nature and really taking it all in.


Bell Hooks, Touching the Earth. Bell hooks had mentioned many things besides nature, but the connection between blacks and nature. Although rooted throguh slavery blacks appreciated nature and had come from natur although their times spent there weren’t always at best. Nature is needed through all times the good, bad and the ugly.


Terry Tempest Williams, Home Work (From “Red”). Reminded all that politics have no tie to nature at all unless they are destroying it and building on top of it, and that there is a disconnection between nature, the need for business and humans.


Women AND nature or Women IN nature? Maybe, both.

Gender and the environment

poluted water photo

Women in the south are affected greatly by environmental degradation, in the south women are responsible for all household duties. One of those duties, being able to retrieve water for their children and family, using another water location in order to wash clothing, also another location used for bathing. Although the women face dangers in going to the water and back to their home alone that isn’t the only thing to worry about. The major issue is the quality of the water, without any way of purifying or testing it’s quality. They depend on these water sources to cook, stay hydrated and care for their family. 


Although Agarwal and Warren and Hobgood-Oster have their differences, they do have some commonalities. The commonality that stood out the most to me is their importance to let it be known the importance of women in relation to nature. Whether it be women within nature or the effects nature has on women and those around them. The difference is more of the generalization between referring to women as nature and nature having femanine qualities. Also with Warren and Hobgood-Oster having to live within those standards, and how binaries are so common; not only for women, but for everyone. Over time since the beginning of this life, women are meant to be producing and nurturing, caring creatures while men are meant to support and be brave. This is an issue I feel will forever be around unfortunately. Not everyone is raised with optimistic parents or even cultures for that matter and that way of living is instilled in some cultures and is very important in their way of living. I do believe that we as a society can withhold the standards of our culture without projecting them onto anyone else and being sure to have awareness of other lifestyles. It’s all about finding that happy medium and the right people to do it with, nowadays it is impossible to get a large group of people not even to agree, but just to respect the ideas and lifestyles of others! With Agarwal, the main concern is women and their families being affected by nature and the inability to provide them a safe and clean water source in order to maximize efficient health and sustainability in caretaking and living. Many countries simply lack the funds, awareness and resources in order to provide proper and safe living standards for villages, unfortunately it is not their fault. We, as other countries can help by sharing knowledge and awareness in order to carry over our ways of living in order to help other women, and families around the world.


As far as having to decide which perspective I find more interesting if difficult. I find both perspectives equally interesting, and I can relate to both of them. With Warren and Hobgood-Oster I can relate to the binaries, I think it would be fair to say at least any woman can agree that they have experienced nature/animal calling once in their lifetime. I do feel like that has been brought to the light and is spoken about more openly and frequently by women across the U.S. Also, the epidemic with the environment has taken a huge toll in the different ways you can choose to live, I say choose because although there are many alternatives and a way to make better choices in your day to day life, recycling, using reusable resources, being more conscious of your waste and how you dispose of it. Not everyone is willing to put in the effort and make that change, although the Earth’s wellbeing is at stake and our ability to live in a clean world, it is still not striking enough or even scary enough for some to care about. I do believe that both of these perspectives are important and should be broadcasted and discussed frequently to all audiences to bring knowledge and awareness across the globe.

Ecofeminism & Nature

plant drawing of woman photoman photo



Feminism. Most of us hear or see that word and automatically have flashes of images, scenarios and other things associated with the feminism movement. Mainly, a type of pro woman act. However ecofeminism is not too heavily focused on the female v.s male “issues” some of us fight for today. Ecofeminism does in my opinion, a great job in incorporating us as humans and the derives and effects we have on nature.

In the Hobgood-Oster reading there was a section that touched on binaries, which is a major ordeal for many across the globe, especially when it comes to gender and sexuality. Society, religions and groups have come up with a way to stereo type and/or create an outline for specific binaries. Looking at this in an ecofeministic manner it is best to allow those to be as they want to be, without ties to any pre-existing meaning or assumptions about it. For instance in the Warren reading it mentioned woman being referred to as animals and nature being referred as female and often sexualized. Then it hit me. The number of times I have heard a woman’s vaginal area being referred to as her “flower/petals. The number of times I have heard a woman being referred to as a cat, fox, cougar. In the Warren reading there was the term “fertile soil” and before reading the Warren introduction I had never even realized this tie. The tie between nature, animals and women, the assumption that women are sought out to be delicate, wild and pure all in the same instance. The unfairness that this is the root of how a woman “is” as we know it, the lack of freedom this causes not only to woman, but to men. The idea that a woman has to lie within this flower bedding and a man must remain on the outskirts in the dirt is crucial to how we behave as humans. Male or female choose to display ourselves to the outside world versus how we truly are behind closed doors.

I chose the photos above because although they are just photos there are many ideas, thought and assumptions that can easily be pinned to these photos. The photo of the woman ties into woman and nature, that we are nature and nature is us. Therefore all of the labels follow … of being a flower, delicate, life producing being etc. Then, for the photo of the man I found my search results to be quiet interesting. All I did was type in “man” just a three letter word the pulled up about fifteen to twenty stereotypical photos of a man. The photos consisted of a man and a woman, in the works of being intimate, the posing of the man in a stronger, more powerful position. A man outdoors, at night, by himself. A lot of bravery and strength was portrayed. In hopes not to offend anyone, I chose to not post those images, but instead talk about them so you can get the idea. The more educated I become about feminism and ecofeminism most importantly, the more I come to find out how many pre-molds society has created for us to pick out of and fit into. Also, the more that I am baffled that picking a norm has become a way of living, which causes deeper issues for society and humanity as a whole for everyone. I believe ecofeminsim can bring much awareness to anyone who is optomistic, I feel more aware of this keen predispositioned outline for humans overall.



M. Haïssinsky-M. Magat – Radiolytic Yields – 1963


Mini Bio & Ecofeminism

Hello everyone!

My name is Juliana Howell, I am a twenty-four year old woman from Fall River Massachusetts. I am a senior here at UMASS Dartmouth studying psychology, I commute from my home in Fall River to UMASS Dartmouth, then to my work in Bridgewater, MA straight after class. Prior to the job I have now, I was a daycare/preschool teacher and prior to that I had a couple of customer service jobs. However, for the last two years I have been working in Bridgewater as an ABA (Applied behavior analysis) therapist for children diagnosed with autism. I feel as though ecofeminism is important to the world that we live in today. We have progressed, but there is a lot of growth that still needs to be done by communities and those around us.

One of the blogs I was gravitated toward was by Faima Fair, titled “I asked the department of education to fight for black girls. They ignored me”. Due to the title I was naturally drawn to this article, after the first few sentences I was completely engaged. This blog was short, sweet and to the point and very informative. This blog will differ from my own work due because I may not always be focusing on women of color versus every other women. I do believe that as women in general we all have our own battles and experiences that we can all feel for. This could relate to my work because I do feel heavily for the body shaming that and other issues publicly and privately by ourselves that we deal with from the world around us.

An environmental issue that I believe is very under minded is littering!!!! Most people (who aren’t really into the Earth’s well being) when they tend to talk about the environment and climate change not the reason why the Earth is dying and animals are going extinct. Living in Massachusetts almost every street you turn on to you will find something that does not belong there, or isn’t biodegradable because of someone’s pure laziness. There are signs planted everywhere for a $500.00 fine for littering, and never have I ever seen or heard of someone stating they’ve been caught or fined for littering. I do feel like the environmental police should be more involved, there was a time a few weeks ago on my way to work where a man chucked half of a breakfast sandwich along with the bag and wrapper out of his window. I was angry and disgusted, for one, because people truly do not care the harm they are causing and two, there wasn’t much I could do about it. I am sure that littering is an issue everywhere, but here where I am from it is terrible. I would like to see a more serious and heavier hammer be put down on this matter all over the world!

litter photo